Free Children’s Church Lesson For Christmas
Posted by Jason on December 17th, 2012
The following can be used for Children’s Church / Small Group / Sunday School
Let’s talk a little bit about Jesus.
Jesus has always existed – there’s a word for this – Jesus is ETERNAL.
However, to show us how much he loves us, and so that we could better understand Him, Jesus became a man – and was born – just like each of you.
This is what we celebrate at Christmas – the birth of Jesus.
Jesus was not born in a hospital like you were, he was born in a manger.
A manger is a small cave or barn, where animals (sheep, goats, donkeys) lived.
His parents were Mary and Joseph – but you may have already known that. What you may not have known is that Jesus was born – to save the world!
God loves people – He loves you, your parents, your friends, your classmates, even people that you don’t know! He loves them all. So, He sent Jesus – His one and only Son – to show people just how much He loves them.
As He grew up, Jesus read the scriptures (what we now call the Bible) – and He was even able to teach grown ups a thing-or-two about what the scriptures really meant. He helped people, healed people, cared for people, listened to people, encouraged people, and taught people. Jesus was – and is – awesome!
Jesus lived a perfect life – and He demonstrated God’s perfect love for us. You can trust Jesus – to be your friend, your teacher, your helper, and your Lord. (Lord is an awesome word – it means “one who directs and instructs”.)
When Jesus was born, God sent angels (special messengers) to spread the “good news”. The angels went to shepherds, who were taking caring of sheep, and the angels told the shepherds that “Jesus had been born”. The shepherds were so excited – they left their sheep – and found Jesus and his family. Then, after spending time with Him, they went to all of their friends, telling them about Jesus.
Once we hear about Jesus – and spend some time getting to know Him and about Him – we can then share what we know with our friends. Knowing Jesus is awesome – and so is telling others about Him!
Feel free to print this article and use it as a guide for teaching others about grace.
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