Archive for the ‘Salvation’ Category

Radical. Grace.

A few thoughts on the incarnation – God with us – Grace is radical.  It has to be. Sin is a big deal.  If you don’t believe me – just read the Bible.  In it, you’ll see the “wages” of sin. Death – physical and spiritual – death.  Page after page. So what does God do, to deal with sin? He enters into our humanity – we call this the incarnation – and He becomes one of us. He hangs out with us, talks with us, eats with us, cries with us, argues with us, celebrates with us – knows us. Then He dies for us. Without sin.  Not one.  Absolutely pure – and He dies for us. Radical. Rather than destroy us, he heals us.  Rather than abandon us, he walks with us.  Rather than punish us, he redeems us. Radical. He calls us to Himself.  He provides our pardon.  He grants us forgiveness.  He establishes our future.  He gives us true hope. Radical. When we are broken, He heals us.  When we are confused, He comforts us.  When we are foolish, He correct us. When we were sinners, He saved us. Radical. the grace station Grace is radical – because it has to be.  The law cannot save us.  Religion cannot save us.  Our own goodness cannot save us. Jesus – alone – He can save us. We trust Him.  We love Him.  We know Him.  We worship Him.  We serve Him. His love transforms us – and we become His voice – sharing that love with the world. Radical. She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us.” – Matthew 1:21-23

Thoughts On Galatians 1:3-5

Check out Galatians 1:3-5 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (KJV) May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. All glory to God forever and ever! Amen. (NLT) Often, when I think about salvation, I think in terms of “sin and forgiveness”.  I can understand, in a legal sense, the “transaction” of the cross – the righteous for the unrighteous. Paul, here, is pointing out something else (something bigger?). Jesus was on a rescue mission. His purpose was the rescue of my soul, my life, my future – of me.  And you. Jesus and my sin met, on a cross, two thousand years ago.  With unflinching determination and fixed purpose, in those three dark hours and during those three dark days, He dealt with my sin, in its totality. He finished the work of redemption. Period.  Then He arose. Jesus is interested – in me.  So He did the thing that I could not do – and by His own sacrifice – by His own power – and because of His great love – He rescued me. This was the Father’s will – my rescue and His Son’s glory – forever. Amen.

I Will Rescue You For My Sake

Isaiah 48:11 is an incredible verse – I will rescue you for my sake— yes, for my own sake! I will not let my reputation be tarnished, and I will not share my glory with idols! This comes after a section where God tells Israel that He has chosen them, even though they are “stubborn” and “obstinate”, with “necks as unbending as iron” and “heads as hard as bronze”. He did not save them because they were obedient. Indeed, he saved them, knowing full well that they wouldn’t be obedient. Why? He’s a God of grace. And He declares – “I will rescue for my sake – yes, for my own sake!” Salvation, by definition, is for those who need “saving”. Like many, the people of Israel had begun to trust in “things” – idols, money, their heritage, their religious-sounding prayers, etc. God steps in, and makes things very clear. They will not be saved, nor were they saved, because of their “things”. They will be saved, by Him – and for His own glory.
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